Staff member or Stay in a Professional Environment of Information Security (SPE-IS)
Role and tasks
Person who has worked in a professional environment of computer security engineering, performing operational support or service tasks (network and system monitoring, installation and administration of computer security equipment/devices, collection of data for security audits, etc.). Or, person who has carried out non-compulsory professional internships in the field of computer security engineering under an agreement between the university and the company.
This professional profile certifies people who have worked in the field of computer security, without necessarily having performed tasks or assumed responsibilities at the level of a computer engineer. They know the context of professional activity of engineers specialised in computer security and are familiar enough with the specific issues, processes and terminology of this professional field.
Competences developed
- Written and spoken communication in the professional environment
- Use and application of ICT in the professional environment
- Ability to adapt to technologies and professional environments of computer security
- Ability to innovate and generate new ideas
- Ability to participate in computer security projects having knowledge of the applicable code of ethics and the current legal aspects of the ICT environment
- Ability to understand and perform operational processes of computer security.
- Ability to understand the aims and objectives of the implemented technological solutions related to computer security.
- Ability to work in a team, including 24/7 or remote teams.
- Knowledge of tools and technology trends on the computer security market.