This translation is shown for your convenience only. The original version in Galician prevails in case of conflict with the interpretation or translation into English.
1. General information
Colexio Profesional de Enxeñaría Técnica en Informática de Galicia, CPETIG, is the professional body of computer engineers of Galicia. It uses this platform to offer the CEPRAL service, a service for the certification of work experience for academic and professional recognitions, which allows interested people to certify their work experience in computer engineering activities, in order to facilitate access to better jobs and academic recognitions.
The access and use of the public information about the CEPRAL service of CPETIG from this platform can be carried out anonymously and the general service terms and conditions set out in this legal note apply. If you do not agree to these general terms and conditions, which are binding and essential for all users, you shall refrain from accessing and using this platform.
A personal registration for the platform is needed to make an effective use of the CEPRAL service. When signing up for the platform, the specific terms and conditions for access to the service, which the user has to accept mandatorily and completely, also apply. Also, the users who are members of the CEPRAL board and the administrative staff of CPETIG are bound by specific rules for access and use, which are set out in their employment or commercial contracts.
2. Object
The present platform or web portal with uniform locator belongs to CPETIG according to the service contract agreed with iJEI Systems SL, which provided the ad hoc design and implementation of the CEPRAL service of CPETIG to allow all internet users, especially computer engineering professionals, the access and use of this service of CPETIG.
This legal note has the purpose to set out the general terms and conditions which govern the access and use of the CEPRAL portal or platform of CPETIG by anonymous users. Thus the access and use of the portal or platform implies the submission to and acceptance of the conditions set out in this legal note.
CPETIG recommends the users to read the legal note carefully every time they access and use the platform because the legal note can be modified and only the registered users will receive email notifications. CPETIG reserves the right to change or update the content and services, the present access and use provisions, and, in general, all the components which constitute the design and configuration of this service platform at any time and without prior notice.
3. Access to the platform
The anonymous user can freely access the public information of this platform. The access is free of charge except for the cost of the connection via the telecommunications network provided by the Internet Service Provider, which the users contract independently.
In order to provide this service, CPETIG needs services and supplies provided by third parties, including the transport via telecommunication networks. CPETIG is not responsible for the reliability, quality, continuity and operation of these services and, therefore, the access may be interrupted, cancelled or not possible due to reasons beyond the control of CPETIG.
Furthermore, CPETIG reserves the right to interrupt the access to this web platform at any time and without prior notice, due to security, control, maintenance or any other reasons. This interruption will be of temporary nature. If, at any time, a definite interruption occurs, the circumstances will be communicated to the registered users and they will be informed of the measures taken with regard to their stored information.
Thus, although CPETIG takes the appropriate actions to correctly provide this service, it cannot guarantee its reliability, availability and continuity in an absolute way. Therefore, no civil liabilities may be claimed from CPETIG in this regard.
4. Use of the platform
Any person who uses this platform will be considered a user, which implies the acceptance of the exclusive responsibility for this use.
The users agree not to use the information, activities, products or services which CPETIG makes available through this platform in order to realise activities that are not in accordance with the law, the morality and the public order. In general, the users agree to use the platform in accordance with these general terms and conditions. In particular, it is prohibited to use this platform with the objective of damaging CPETIG, including overloading or damaging the hardware or software of the service platform or rendering it useless.
The users can download the platform content which is accessible to them, when necessary and in accordance with the technical specifications for this purpose. Nevertheless, the users have to refrain from obtaining, or trying to obtain, any content using other means or procedures than the means or procedures which are defined in general or specifically for each case. CPETIG does not assume any responsibility for the damages which the user can suffer due to misuse or negligent use of the platform.
As for the use of the interactive services of the platform, the users agree to use them in accordance with the law, these terms and conditions, the specific conditions and, where relevant, morality, decency and public order. In case of non-compliance, CPETIG will exercise its right of admission.
5. Content
The content of the platform is made available to the users by CPETIG as information for the users or, if applicable, third parties with the corresponding authorisation. CPETIG will provide reasonable means to make sure that the content of the platform will be reliable and updated. All rights over the content from CPETIG are reserved and the provisions of paragraph 7 of these conditions have to be observed.
6. Links to the platform
All Internet users are allowed to link the URL of this platform in media where they are authorised to do so, provided that they observe the following restrictions and obligations:
The link shall be directed to the home page and may not reproduce this page in any way;
It is not permitted to set any kind of frames, to wrap the platform or to display parts or all of the platform through other Internet locations;
Under no circumstances, shall false, inaccurate or incorrect statements about CPETIG, its services, its members or its staff be made next to the link;
The source site cannot use the figurative mark and/or mixed mark or any other distinguishing mark of CPETIG or its services on its own website, except for cases which are explicitly authorised by CPETIG.
The site which contains the link to this platform cannot carry out activities or provide devices that are not in accordance with the law, the morality or the public order.
7. Industrial and intellectual property
All the content of this web platform, including but not limited to texts, photographs, pictures, icons, technology, software, links and other audiovisual or sound content, as well as the graphic design and the source code, hereinafter referred to as "content", is intellectual property of CPETIG or, where applicable, of third parties which have authorised CPETIG to use them.
Similarly, all the marks, trade names or distinguishing signs are owned exclusively by CPETIG or, where applicable, by third parties which authorised CPETIG to use them. The users have to respect their intellectual and industrial property rights at all times. The transfer of the intellectual property rights over this web platform is explicitly prohibited.
In particular, any kind of reproduction, transformation, distribution, public communication, making available, extraction, reuse, retransfer or use of the content of this platform by any mean or procedure is prohibited, except for the cases which are legally permitted, including the written authorisation of the holder of the corresponding rights.
Notwithstanding the above, the users can display the content and obtain a private temporary copy of the content for their personal and private use on their computer systems (hardware and software), provided that they do not have the goal of carrying out commercial or professional activities, or distributing, modifying, alterating or decompiling the content. The infringement of any of the mentioned rights can be a violation of these terms and conditions and a punishable offence according to article 270 and following of the Penal Code.
8. Advertising
The web platform can host advertising, promotional and sponsor content. The advertiser is solely responsible for ensuring that the material delivered for inclusion in the web platform complies with the applicable laws for each case. CPETIG is not responsible for any error, inaccuracy or irregularity which this kind of content may contain.
9. Liability
The user will be liable for any kind of damages which CPETIG suffers as a result of the non-compliance with any of the obligations, which the user is bound to by this legal note or, if relevant, by applicable specific conditions.
9.1. Access to the platform
CPETIG will not be liable for any kind of damage caused to the user by errors or shut downs of the telecommunications networks which lead to the discontinuity, cancellation or interruption of the service of the web platform during or before the delivery of the service.
9.2. For the service quality
The access to the portal does not imply that CPETIG is obliged to control the absence of viruses, trojans or any other malicious computer elements. In any case, the users are responsible for having suitable tools for the detection and removal of malicious computer programmes. CPETIG will not be liable for the damages caused to the users or third parties for these reasons during the delivery of this service.
9.3. For the content
CPETIG will provide reasonable means to verify the truthfulness, accuracy, suitability, completeness and timeliness of the information provided through the platform. CPETIG will not be liable for the decisions made with the information delivered through the portal or the damages caused to the users by actions based solely on the information obtained on the portal.
9.4. For the links
The portal can include technical elements which allow the users to access other web pages or portals. In these cases, CPETIG acts as a provider of intermediation services in accordance with article 17 of the law 32/2002 from 12th of July about Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI) and will only be responsible for the content and services delivered on the linked websites to the extent of its effective knowledge of the unlawfulness and failure to deactivate the link with due diligence.
If the user considers that a linked website has illegal or inappropriate content, he/she can communicate it to CPETIG in accordance with the procedure and effects set out in clause 6. This communication does not mean that CPETIG is obliged to remove the respective link.
CPETIG Under no circumstances, does the existence of links mean the existence of agreements with the person who is in charge of the link or the holder of the link, or the recommendation, promotion or identification of CPETIG with the statements, content or services delivered.
10. Applicable law and jurisdiction
These general terms and conditions are governed by the Spanish legal system. For the resolution of any conflict arising in connection with the interpretation of and compliance with these general conditions, the user and CPETIG agree to submit explicitly to the courts of the City of Santiago de Compostela and waive any other general or special court that might correspond.