Colexio Profesional de Enxeñaría Técnica en Informática de Galicia, CPETIG, tax identification number Q1500326B, is a public corporation from Galicia which was founded according to Act 8/2006 of the Parliament of Galicia, published on 13th December 2006 in DOG.
CPETIG plays an important role in the field of computer engineering and vouches for a professional practice which complies with the standards and rules ensuring an efficient and responsible practice.
CPETIG is firmly committed to being referent in the ICT sector in Galicia. Its credibility is built on its independence and the professionality of its members.


Edificio ETS de Enxeñaría – R/ Lope Gómez de Marzoa s/n 15782 Santiago de Compostela
Phone +34 981 969 354 · Fax +34 881 24 90 81 ·

Address for submitting documents
Praza de Compostela, 23, 2º Drcha.
 36201 Vigo